Wānanga E Tahi Ra

One Day Program

This is an explosive one day workshop giving an authentic view and experience of the principles of Mauritanga, Wairuatanga, Tino Rangatiratanga and Waioratanga and practice the wisdom associated with Tuhono, Purotu, Whakaritenga, Kotahitanga, Puawaitanga and Pareheretia, designed to effect positive change in men’s behaviour and lives".

Wānanga E Toru Nga Ra

Three Day Program

A continuation of our one day Wānanga leading into the practice methodologies of Mauritanga, Wairuatanga, Tino Rangatiratanga and Waioratanga and practice the wisdom associated with Tuhono, Purotu, Whakaritenga, Kotahitanga, Puawaitanga and Pareheretia, that effect positive change in men’s behaviour and lives".

Wānanga E Whetu Nga Ra

Seven Day Program

Is designed for experienced kaimahi, practitioners and kaiwhakahaere looking at introducing an organisation wide change across their support services and practices for services users and staff through the principles of Mauritanga, Wairuatanga, Tino Rangatiratanga and Waioratanga and practice the wisdom associated with Tuhono, Purotu, Whakaritenga, Kotahitanga, Puawaitanga and Pareheretia.

Events Calendar:

Get in early to book your place in our upcoming Wānanga as places are limited and filling quickly.



Timatanga Hou, New Begininngs Wānanga Series B
Te Whare Tipuna, Our Ancestral House, Part 1 & 2

More Information


Te Whare Tipuna.MP4 from Merliza Boynton on Vimeo.